We're sorry you want to cancel your account, but we understand if BoatProject is not the best fit for you.
To cancel, basically you just downgrade to the free version and you will no longer be charged.
By downgrading / cancelling, the following will happen: any vessels over one that you own will be lost; all crew will be removed and their tasks assigned to the boat owner; all uploaded documents will be deleted; you will not have access to any other vessels other than one that you own; you will keep one vessel that you own - any others must be deleted to bring you down to one vessel. This information will not be recoverable.
What you will keep: any projects, tasks, and notes for your single, owned vessel.
To downgrade:
To downgrade to Bronze, go to Account.
Click on the Current Plan button
On the next screen, click Switch to Bronze
You can continue to use your projects and tasks, but will no longer have access to the advanced features including any manuals you uploaded, templates, or public information. You can always upgrade later, but you will have to re-upload any manuals, etc. as that information is deleted once you downgrade.
If you have any comments or suggestions, we would love to hear them! Just click on the feedback button in the app or submit a ticket from this knowledge base. Thanks and happy boating!
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